How to use 消毒 (しょうどく)
Meaning of 消毒
The Japanese verb "消毒" (しょうどく, shoudoku) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- Disinfection: The process of cleaning something with chemicals or heat to kill bacteria, viruses, etc.
- Example: Byouin de wa shoudoku ga taisetsu desu.
- Translation: Disinfection is important in hospitals.
Learn 消毒 from Animes
頼まれてた切符 買ってきたよ
I bought the tickets you asked for.
明日のお昼の汽車で よかったんだよね?
For tomorrow's noon train, right?
ああ サンキュ!
Ah, thanks!
なんだ せわしないな ケガも治りきって なかろうに
What's with the rush? You haven't fully recovered from your injuries yet.
👉👉いつまでも こんな消毒液 臭い所に こもってられっか
Still stuck in this stinky room full of antiseptics.
Ed and Al, boil some water.
(アルフォンス)うん (エドワード) 分かった
(Alphonse) Okay. (Edward) Got it.
パニーニャはタオルを あるだけ集めて
Paninya, gather all the towels you can find.
Roger that.
👉👉あと リドルさん 消毒用アルコールあり ますか?
Also, Mr. Riddle, do you have any rubbing alcohol?
I think there was some in the storage.