How to use 恨み (うらみ)

Meaning of 恨み

The Japanese verb "恨み" (うらみ, urami) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. grudge, resentment: A feeling of deep-seated bitterness or anger towards someone due to past wrongs or injustices.
    • Example: 彼は父親の死を恨んでいる。
    • Translation: He harbors a grudge against his father's death.
  2. regret, remorse: A sense of sorrow or disappointment over something done or an opportunity missed.
    • Example: 彼女はその選択を後悔し、恨みを感じている。
    • Translation: She regrets that choice and feels remorse.
  3. curse, malediction: A wish or invocation for harm or misfortune to befall someone.
    • Example: 彼は敵に恨みをかけた。
    • Translation: He cursed his enemy with a grudge.

Learn 恨み from Animes


(Hughes) However...

国家錬金術師ばかり狙うってのは どういう わけだ
Why target State Alchemists specifically?

軍が標的なら 無差別に軍人を襲えばいい
If the military is the target, why not attack soldiers indiscriminately?

特殊能力を持つ錬金術師は 楽に殺せる相手 じゃない
Alchemists with special abilities are not easy targets to kill.

まして 国家資格を持つ者となれば
Especially those who hold national qualifications.

(アームストロング) その資格が原因なの では?
(Armstrong) Could the qualification itself be the cause?

(Hughes) Huh?

(アームストロング) ばく大な報酬と さまざまな特権 これを羨む者は多いでしょ う
(Armstrong) The enormous rewards and various privileges, many would envy these.


Alchemists, be for the people.

真理の探究者だったはずの 錬金術師が 国家資格を得たとたん
Once alchemists, who were supposed to be seekers of truth, obtain a national qualification,

they turn into military human weapons.

かの イシュヴァールの内戦以来
Since the Ishval Civil War,

👉👉恨みを持つ者は いくらでもおりますから なあ
there are plenty who hold grudges.


👉👉チキショー なんだってんだ! 人に恨みを 買うようなことは…
Damn it, what's going on! Doing something to make people hold a grudge...

うっ いっぱいしてるけど!
Well, we've got plenty!


Must've been some deep grudge.

Colonel Mustang,