How to use 余る (あまる)

Meaning of 余る

The Japanese verb "余る" (あまる, amaru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. to be left over: When there is more of something than needed or used, it remains unused.
    • Example: 昨日のパーティーで料理が余った。
    • Translation: There was leftover food from yesterday's party.
  2. to be in excess: When something exceeds the necessary amount or requirement.
    • Example: このプロジェクトには人手が余っている。
    • Translation: There are too many people for this project.
  3. to be surplus: When there is an abundance or more than what is required.
    • Example: 今年の収穫は例年より余った。
    • Translation: This year's harvest was more than usual.

Learn 余る from Animes


なっ なんだ こいつら
What... what are these?

Puppet soldiers?

いや あれとは 明らかに動きが違う
No, their movements are clearly different.

(医者) キング・ブラッドレイになってい た かもしれない男たちだよ
(Doctor) Men who could have become King Bradley, perhaps.

(Mustang, Riza) Ha!

(Mustang) Gathered right after birth,

to become the Führer

ただ それだけのために
just for that sole purpose

専門の教育と訓練の中で 育てられた者たち
they were raised with specialized education and training

And with the twelfth experiment,

King Bradley was born.

では この者たちは?
So what about these guys?

They're the leftovers.