How to use 勝負 (しょうぶ)
Meaning of 勝負
The Japanese verb "勝負" (しょうぶ, shoubu) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- Match / Game: Refers to a contest or competition where there is a winner and a loser.
- Example: Kyou no shoubu wa sugoi kinchou shita.
- Translation: Today's match was really tense.
- Victory or defeat / Showdown: Can also mean the decisive moment where the outcome is determined.
- Example: Koko ga shoubu no wakaremedesu.
- Translation: This is the moment of truth.
Learn 勝負 from Animes
(マスタング) そいつには… 最低の死を 与えてやらねばならない
(Mustang) That one... deserves the worst death possible.
(エドワード)イヤだ (エンヴィー)うっ …
(Edward) No! (Envy) Ugh...
そいつをよこせ! さもないとその右手ごと 焼くぞ!
Hand him over! Otherwise, I'll burn off that right hand too!
👉👉上等だ ガチで勝負してやるよ!
Bring it on! I'll take you on for real!
けどその前に てめえの面よく見やがれ!
But before that, take a good look at your own face!
んな面で… この国のトップに立つつもりか ?
With a face like that... you plan on standing at the top of this country?
大佐が目指してんのは そんなんじゃない だろ!
That's not what the Colonel is aiming for, right?!