How to use 大抵 (たいてい)

Meaning of 大抵

The Japanese verb "大抵" (たいてい, taitei) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Usually: Refers to what commonly happens.
    • Example: 彼はたいてい遅く帰宅する。
    • Translation: He usually comes home late.
  2. Generally: Refers to what generally happens.
    • Example: 大抵の人は朝食を食べる。
    • Translation: Most people eat breakfast.
  3. Mostly: Mostly true or applicable.
    • Example: 大抵の場合、この法則が適用される。
    • Translation: In most cases, this rule applies.
  4. Often: Happens frequently.
    • Example: 彼女は大抵、朝カフェでコーヒーを飲む。
    • Translation: She often drinks coffee at the café in the morning.

Learn 大抵 from Animes


That makes it one death for me.

(Alphonse) No way...

(Greed) Get it now?

あり得ないなんてことは あり得ない
Nothing's impossible when it comes to this.

何よりお前の存在がそれを 証明してるだろ ?
More than anything, your existence proves it, doesn't it?

You, who exists only in soul.

(アルフォンス) どうしてそれを?
(Alphonse) How do you know that?

👉👉(グリード) オレの耳には 裏の世界の ことは大抵入ってくる
(Greed) In my ears, most things from the underworld reach me.


👉👉まっ 大抵は石の力に 耐えきれず 死ぬ けどね
Well, most of them can't withstand the stone's power and die though.

(エドワード) そんなことさせるかあ
(Edward) I won't let you do that!

(アルフォンス) 離せ エンヴィー
(Alphonse) Let go, Envy!

クソッ どうなってるんだ?
Damn it, what's going on?

Why isn't the technique activating?