How to use 足元 (あしもと)

Meaning of 足元

The Japanese verb "足元" (あしもと, ashimoto) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. at one's feet: This refers to the area immediately around one's feet, often used to describe something close or within reach.
    • Example: 足元に落ちているものを拾ってください。
    • Translation: Please pick up what is at your feet.
  2. underfoot: Describes the ground or area directly beneath one's feet, often in the context of walking or standing.
    • Example: 足元が滑りやすいので、注意してください。
    • Translation: Please be careful as it's slippery underfoot.

Learn 足元 from Animes


👉👉足元こんなだと すげえ 疲れるな…
When the ground is like this, it's really tiring...

ああ しかもずっと出口ねえし…
Yeah, and there's still no exit...

(リン)腹 減った…
(Ling) I'm hungry...


どうせ ここで全員 死ぬんだ
We're all going to die here anyway.

冥土の土産に いいもの見せてやるよ
I'll show you something good for your journey to the afterlife.

👉👉森の中で戦った時 奴の足元を見たか?
When we fought in the forest, did you see his feet?


That means...

あんなナリで 半端じゃない体重ってことだ
With that appearance, he must weigh a lot.

The main body must be quite...

(Together) Ah!


この国に入ってから 感じていた違和感
Ever since I entered this country, I've felt a sense of discomfort.

中央の地下で はっきりしたんですけど
It became clear to me underground in Central, but

👉👉足元に流れている この力は…
the power flowing under our feet...

rather than just tectonic energy.

なんだか たくさんの人が うごめいている ような…
somehow, it feels like a lot of people are squirmming around...


貴様 肉体に触れなければ 破壊できないん だろう?
You can't destroy anything unless you touch it, right?

(ザンパノ) この距離から ネチネチと 攻撃させてもらう
(Zampano) I'll keep attacking from this distance.

(Jerso) Woooah!

(Zampano) Hmph.

👉👉(ジェルソ) 状況が悪くなると足元を崩し に かかるクセもリサーチ済みだ
(Jerso) And we've also finished studying your habit of targeting the ground when things get tough.

ズタボロにして キンブリー様に 渡して やるよ
We'll beat him up and hand him over to Kimblee.


フウ… 見捨てるの 冷たいねえ
Phew... That's cold, abandoning them like that.

Abandoning them?

この者たちを捨て駒のように扱う 貴様に 言われたくないな
I don't want to hear that from you, treating these people like pawns.

(医者) 捨て駒でも彼らは幸せだろうよ
(Doctor) Even as pawns, they should be happy.

親に捨てられ そのままでは 死んでいたで あろう者たちに
They were abandoned by their parents, likely to die.

食事を与えた 一流の教育を与えた
I gave them meals, provided top-class education,

そして 存在意義を与えた
and gave them a purpose to exist.

These people are grateful to me.

👉👉そんなことだから 貴様は足元をすくわれる のだ
That's exactly why you'll get tripped up.

うん? 何を…
Huh? What are you...