How to use しょうがない (しょうがない)

Meaning of しょうがない
The Japanese verb "しょうがない" (しょうがない, shouganai) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- It can't be helped / There's no point: Used to express resignation or acceptance that something cannot be changed or that an outcome is inevitable.
- Example: 雨が降ったから、しょうがない、今日は家にいよう。
- Translation: It's raining, so it can't be helped; let's stay home today.
Learn しょうがない from Animes
(ウィンリィ)あっ いやいや こっちの話 動かなくなる前になんかした?
(Winry) Ah, no no, did you do something before this conversation stopped moving?
Had a flashy fight
(エドワードの声マネ) またあんたは!
(Imitating Edward's voice) You again!
私の機械鎧を なんてことに使うのよーっ!
What are you using my automail for like this!
もっ もしもし ウィンリィさん?
Is that you, Winry? Hello?
👉👉(ウィンリィ)しょうがないわね中央のどこ ?
(Winry) Can't be helped, where in Central?
(Edward) Did you kill him?
(アルフォンス) レイブン中将を?
(Alphonse) Major General Raven?
じゃ 確かに伝えたぜ
Then, I certainly conveyed the message.
(Edward) ...Hey!
オレたち いつんなったら こっから出 られるんだよ
When will we be able to get out of here?
(ニール) さあな 少将に聞いてくれ
(Neil) Who knows? Ask the Major.
Damn it!
👉👉(アルフォンス) 焦ってもしょうがないよ 兄さん
(Alphonse) Getting impatient won't help, brother.
Now should be a time to rest...
こんなにいろんなことが 起こってんのに
So much is happening,
じっとしてらんねーよ! (ドアの開く音)
I can't just stay still! (Sound of door opening)
It's about that queen.
She's probably really sealing off the exits.
It can't be helped.
ランタン消して 手探りで進んだんですから
It's all because we turned off the lanterns and advanced by feeling our way.
明かりをつけたら化け物が来るの 一点張り だったからな
Since they kept insisting that if we lit a light, a monster will come.
(Sound of knocking on a door)
(アルフォンス) おじさんたち… 家族 とか大切な人はいないの?
(Alphonse) Uncles... Do you have family or someone important?
Yes, there are.
だが この体になった時 我々は死んだこと にされた
But when we became like this, we were declared dead.
以来 会ってない…
Haven't seen them since...
(アルフォンス) 会いたいとは思わない?
(Alphonse) Don't you want to see them?
👉👉(ザンパノ) 会いたくてもしょうがない だろ このナリじゃ…
(Zanpano) Even if I wanted to, it wouldn't matter with this appearance...
(アルフォンス) へえ… じゃあもう 元 の体に戻りたいと思わないんだ?
(Alphonse) Oh? So you don't want to return to your original body?
You're satisfied with this body then?
Of course not!
Of course we want to return!
(アルフォンス) それが答えだろ?
(Alphonse) That's your answer, right?
(Zanpano, Jelso) Ha...
👉👉(アルフォンス) どうせとかしょうがない とか 枯れたこと言わないでよ!
(Alphonse) Then don't say defeatist things like "it can't be helped" or "that's just the way it is"!
元の体に戻れる可能性を 探りもしないでさ !
Without even trying to explore the possibility of returning to your original bodies!
フンッ 貴様にオレたちの何が分かる?
Hmph, what do you know about us?
戻れる可能性なんか… アッ!
The possibility of returning... Ah!
(マイルズ) 大総統は まだ行方不明で?
(Miles) Is the Führer still missing?
(グラマン) 下流で部下の死体が 1つ 見つかっただけだとさ
(Grumman) They only found one of his subordinate's bodies downstream.
(マイルズ) これで生きていたら奇跡です ね
(Miles) If he's alive after this, it would be a miracle.
(グラマン) 北方軍にも協力してもらって わしが捜索の指揮を執るから
(Grumman) I'll take command of the search with the help of the Northern Army.
(Miles) You'll lead the search personally, General?
きゃつの死体を この目で見るまでは
Until I see his body with my own eyes.
I won't be at ease
当初の予定どおり中央を 狙わないのですか ?
Are we not attacking Central as originally planned?
It can't be helped.
中央のおいしいところは マスタング大佐に くれてやる
We'll leave the good parts of Central for Colonel Mustang.