How to use 生存 (せいぞん)

Meaning of 生存

The Japanese verb "生存" (せいぞん, seizon) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. living: refers to the state of being alive or existing
    • Example: 彼はまだ生存している。
    • Translation: He is still alive.

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作戦本部 状況は?
Strategy Headquarters, what's the situation?

(カーリー) 芳しくないですね
(Carley) Not looking good.

各所で中央兵が 息を吹き返しています
Central forces are regaining strength in various locations.

Where is the General now?

(Olivier) In the Führer's office.

Any survivors?

執務室周辺の味方と 連絡が取れなくなって います
We've lost contact with our forces around the office.

そこは中央兵に囲まれている 可能性が高い ですね
There's a high chance that area is surrounded by Central forces.

(Olivier) Understood.

If danger comes close to your position, get out.