How to use 対策 (たいさく)

Meaning of 対策

The Japanese verb "対策" (たいさく, taisaku) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. countermeasure: elaboration: actions taken to prevent or mitigate a problem or issue
    • Example: 例えば、地震の対策として家具の固定が推奨されています。
    • Translation: Example: For example, securing furniture is recommended as a countermeasure against earthquakes.
  2. measure: elaboration: a plan or step taken to achieve a particular goal or solve a problem
    • Example: この地域の交通渋滞の対策として、新しいバイパス道路が建設されました。
    • Translation: Example: A new bypass road was constructed as a measure to address traffic congestion in this area.
  3. plan: elaboration: a strategy or set of actions designed to deal with a specific situation or challenge
    • Example: 会社の業績不振の対策として、リストラ計画が発表されました。
    • Translation: Example: A restructuring plan was announced as a countermeasure to the company's poor performance.

Learn 対策 from Animes


(アルフォンス) 我慢比べしようじゃない か セリム いや人造人間のプライド
(Alphonse) Let's see who can last longer, Selim, or rather, the homunculus Pride.

こっちは 酸素も光も 食べ物もなくて平気 な体だ
I can go without oxygen, light, or food.

今日1日 約束の日が終わるまで お前は ここで…
For the whole day, until the promised day ends, you'll stay here...

ボクと一緒に おとなしくしているんだ
Quietly with me.

(ホーエンハイム) 今のプライドを倒すの は困難だ
(Hohenheim) It's difficult to defeat Pride as he is now.

だがこのままだと 周りの被害も大きくなる
But at this rate, the damage around us will increase.

ならば戦うのではなく 自分をおとりに 抑え込もうってな
So instead of fighting, he chose to use himself as bait to contain him.

👉👉これで我々も 対策を立てる時間が稼げる
This buys us time to come up with a plan.

(エドワード) だからってオレに相談も なく…
(Edward) But without even consulting me...

(ホーエンハイム) 兄さんに言ったら…
(Hohenheim) If I told your brother...


マスタング大佐は 大総統閣下の遺志を継ぎ
Colonel Mustang, carrying on the will of the Führer,

has pledged to maintain the country's safety

👉👉今後の対策を関係各位と 協議すると発言し ました
and stated that he would discuss future measures with relevant parties.