How to use 折角 (せっかく)

Meaning of 折角
The Japanese verb "折角" (せっかく, sekkaku) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- while (one) is at it; since (one) is here; since (one) is doing ... anyway; while (one) is on the subject: This phrase is used when someone is already engaged in an activity or situation, suggesting that they might as well do something additional related to it.
- Example: せっかく来たんだから、もう少し長居しようよ。
- Translation: Since we're here, let's stay a little longer.
- with great trouble; at great pains: This meaning emphasizes the effort or trouble someone has gone through to do something.
- Example: せっかく作った料理を残すなんてもったいない。
- Translation: It's such a waste to leave the food that was made with great trouble.
- now that; since: This usage indicates a reason or cause for doing something, often implying that it would be a pity not to take advantage of the situation.
- Example: せっかくの休みだし、どこか旅行に行こう。
- Translation: Now that it's a holiday, let's go somewhere for a trip.
Learn 折角 from Animes
(Mustang) Yes, sir!
(ブラッドレイ) ああ それと あの少年 も来ている
(Bradley) Ah, and that boy has also come.
Make full use of him.
(マスタング) ブラッドレイ大総統 少年 とはもしかして…
(Mustang) President Bradley, the boy, could it be...
鋼の錬金術師 エドワード・エルリック
the Fullmetal Alchemist, Edward Elric.
(エドワード・エルリック) ったく 人使いの荒い大佐だぜ
(Edward Elric) Really, what a rough way to use people, Colonel.
👉👉(アルフォンス・エルリック) 折角 リオール行きの 切符買ったのに キャンセルだね
(Alphonse Elric) We finally bought tickets to Liore, but now we have to cancel.
(Edward) Can't be helped.
ちゃっちゃと 終わらせちまおうぜ アル
Let's get this over with quickly, Al.
(アルフォンス)うん 兄さん
(Alphonse) Yes, brother.
(Pinako) Alright?
おっ おう…
Oh, yeah...
いち… (ウィンリィ)にいのっ
One... (Winry) Two!
(ピナコ・ウィンリィ)さんっ! ( エドワード)あだっ がっ!
(Pinako & Winry) Three! (Edward) Argh!
くっ くう… 毎度 この神経つなぐ瞬間が イヤでよお
Ah, ah... I always hate this moment of connecting the nerves.
まあ 賢者の石が手に入れば この痛みとも おさらばだ!
Well, if I get the Philosopher's Stone, I can say goodbye to this pain!
👉👉残念だねえ 折角の金づるが!
Too bad, such a good cash cow!
そうよ 無理して 元に戻ることないわ… よっ!
That's right, no need to force yourself to go back to how it was... Alright!
あんまり 危なっかしいことをしてると
Keep doing such risky things,
and one day you'll get what's coming to you.
I've already got mine.
Something happened?
My subordinate,
he's got a spinal injury; he's paraplegic now.
👉👉ああ 折角1日1本だけ 許可もらった のに
Oh, just when I got permission to smoke one a day.
ったく 女に刺されて 退役なんて笑えるよ な
Seriously, getting stabbed by a woman and then retiring, that's laughable.
Are you safe?
(傷の男の父) ああ 大事ない
(Scar's Father) Yeah, no harm.
皆 逃げる準備を していたのが幸いだった
Everyone was preparing to escape, which was fortunate.
(傷の男の兄) 間に合った
(Scar's Brother) Just in time.
I was late because I was gathering important things.
(Scar) Important things?
(傷の男の兄) これ お前が持っててくれ
(Scar's Brother) Here, take this.
なんだ これは
What is this?
(傷の男の兄) 私の研究書だ これしか 持ち出せなかった
(Scar's Brother) It's my research notes. This is all I could grab.
Take it and run.
Wait a second.
👉👉(傷の男の兄) 私にもしものことがあっ たら 折角の研究がパーになる
(Scar's Brother) If something happens to me, all my research will go to waste.
Why don't you take it and run yourself?
お前は厳しい修行を積んだ 立派な武僧だ
You've undergone tough training; you're a fine martial monk.
(エドワード・エルリック)こんなものまで 作り出すのか…
(Edward Elric) This thing can even create something like that...
しかたない 倒させてもらおう
No choice, I'll have to take it down.
👉👉(アルフォンス・エルリック) ちょっ 折角捕まえた人造人間だよ?
(Alphonse Elric) Hey, this is a homunculus we just caught?
(マスタング) 生き残るのが優先だ
(Mustang) Survival comes first.
それに 我々の顔と名を覚えられた こいつ を生かして帰す理由がない!
Plus, it knows our faces and names now. There's no reason to let it go back alive!
(Raven) Oh, no!
(オリヴィエ) スミスの腕は左でしたか? 右でしたか?
(Olivier) Was Smith's arm on the left? Or the right?
なっ 何を?
What are you talking about?
老いとは本当に恐ろしいものですね レイブン中将
Aging is truly a terrible thing, isn't it, Raven?
あなたも昔は 本気でこの国を思う
You were once a serious soldier who truly cared about this country.
若く 気高い 軍人であったでしょうに
Young and noble.
こっ こんな… 選ばれた人間になれると いうのに
And you've become...
You're throwing away a good chair.
No need for a new chair.
その腐りきった尻を 乗せている貴様の席を …
Get your rotten ass
off that seat!
The old geezer, aaah!
Should we split up?
オレはこっち エドワードと傷の男は そっちな
I'll go this way. Edward and Scar will go that way.
Why do I have to go with him?
(ホーエンハイム) 錬成の力配分でいっ たら こうだろう
(Hohenheim) In terms of transmutation power distribution, this would be best.
それに あいつが 錬金術封じの技を使った 時
Besides, when he used the alchemy-sealing technique,
傷の男は使えたけど お前は無力だったん だろう?
Scar could use it, but you were powerless, right?
じゃあ こいつらセットで決まりな
Alright, these guys are settled as a set.
What about the others?
オレは規格外だから 1人で大丈夫だ
I'm an exception, so I'm fine alone.
だが まあ…
But, well...
👉👉折角だからシンのお嬢さんに ボディガードになってもらおうか
Since we're here, let's have Shin's daughter be the bodyguard.