How to use 資料 (しりょう)

Meaning of 資料
The Japanese verb "資料" (しりょう, shiryou) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- material: Documents or resources used for study or research.
- Example: この資料は歴史研究に役立ちます。
- Translation: This material is useful for historical research.
- reference: A source of information or a point of comparison.
- Example: 彼の論文は多くの資料を参照しています。
- Translation: His thesis refers to many references.
- data: Information, often in numerical form, used for analysis.
- Example: この資料は最新の市場データを含んでいます。
- Translation: This data includes the latest market information.
- evidence: Facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.
- Example: 裁判で新たな資料が提出されました。
- Translation: New evidence was presented in court.
Learn 資料 from Animes
(アームストロング) 偽名を使ってこんな 田舎に 隠れ住んでおられたとは…
(Armstrong) To think you were living hidden in this countryside using a false name...
👉👉うわさでは姿を消す際に 極秘資料を 持ち出されたとか…
Rumor has it that you took top-secret documents with you when you disappeared...
(マルコー) 私は耐えられなかった 上 からの命令とはいえ
(Marcoh) I couldn't bear it, even though it was an order from above.
あんな物の研究に 手を染めてしまって…
I got involved in research on such a thing...
Such a thing?
驚いたよ 特定人物の 魂の錬成を 成し遂げるとは…
I'm surprised you've achieved the transmutation of a specific person's soul...
君なら完全な賢者の石を 作り出すことが できるかもしれん
Perhaps you might be able to create the perfect Philosopher's Stone.
👉👉(マルコー) 資料を見せることはできん
(Marco) I can't show you the documents.
No way!
あんな物 求めてはならん!
You must not seek such a thing!
Even to get your body back?
No way!
(マルコー) あれは悪魔の研究だ 知れば 地獄を見ることになる
(Marco) That is the devil's research If you learn it, you will see hell.
ううっ 地獄ならとうに見た!
Ugh, I've already seen hell!
(Pinako) I see
To get those documents,
you want to go to Central as soon as possible, right?
(エドワード) そう 大至急やって欲しい んだ
(Edward) Yes, I want it done urgently.
(ピナコ) うーん 腕だけじゃなく 足も 調整が必要だね
(Pinako) Hmm, not just the arm, the legs need adjusting too.
あら 一応 身長は伸びてんのねえ
Oh, technically you have grown a bit, haven't you?
Shut up!
(ピナコ) 足はさておき 腕は一から作ら にゃならんな
(Pinako) Aside from the legs, the arm needs to be rebuilt from scratch.
Will it take about a week?
(ピナコ) ナメんじゃないよ
(Pinako) Don't underestimate me.
フウ… 3日だ
Huh... 3 days.
👉👉エドの熱意に動かされマルコーは 研究 資料の隠し場所を明かす
Moved by Ed's passion, Marcoh reveals the hiding place of his research materials.
そして機械鎧の修理を 終えたエドは―
And Ed, having finished repairing his automail,
👉👉マルコーの研究資料がある 国立中央図書館 第一分館の前に立つ
stands in front of the First Branch of the National Central Library, where Marcoh's research materials are.
Marcoh's research materials are—
(アームストロング) なんと
(Armstrong) What,
エルリック兄弟は 今日も部屋に閉じこもっ ている?
the Elric brothers are still cooped up in their room today?
(ロス) ええ 食事もろくに取らずに
(Ross) Yes, they hardly even eat.
ううん 疲れがたまっていたのだろうか?
Hmmm... Were they tired?
このところ 根を詰めておったようだしな
They seem to have been engrossed lately.
👉👉苦労して解読した資料の内容が あれじゃあ
The content of the decrypted material is so troubling,
オレも思い出しただけでも 胸クソが悪く なりますよ
I feel sick just remembering it.
なんだ? (ブロッシュ)えっ
(2人) なっ なんでもありません
(Both) Uh... nothing.
(Narration) Marcoh's research materials were there
国立中央図書館第一分館は 火災により焼失
The First Branch of the National Central Library was destroyed by fire
エドたちは司書であった シェスカの協力 により
With the help of Sheska, a librarian, Ed and the others
obtain the research materials
(エドワード・エルリック) 賢者の石の 材料は生きた人間だ
(Edward Elric) The ingredients of the Philosopher's Stone are living humans
(ナレーション)さらなる真実を求めエドと アルは
(Narration) Seeking further truths, Ed and Al sneak into
the abandoned Fifth Laboratory
そうだな あんたにとっても オレにとって も
That's right, for both you and me.
(マスタング) そのケジメをつける
(Mustang) Let's settle this.
まず イシュヴァール閉鎖地区を 開放する
First, we'll open up the Ishval closed area.
そして 各スラムにいる イシュヴァール人 をその聖地に帰す
Then, we'll return the Ishvalans in each slum to their holy land.
やることは まだまだある
There's still much to do.
(ケイン・フュリー) 今回の事件傷の男や ―
(Kain Fuery) The incident this time, thanks to Scar
イシュヴァールの人たちの おかげで 乗り切れたんです
and the Ishvalan people, we got through it
その恩返しを しなくちゃいけませんしね
We have to repay that favor.
👉👉(ヴァトー・ファルマン) 大佐 頼まれて いた資料 持ってきましたよ
(Vato Falman) Colonel, I brought the documents you asked for.
(リザ・ホークアイ) 罪が消えるわけでは ないけれど できることから始めたいん です
(Riza Hawkeye) The sins won't disappear, but we want to start with what we can do.