How to use 少なくとも (すくなくとも)

Meaning of 少なくとも

The Japanese verb "少なくとも" (すくなくとも, sukunakutomo) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. at the very least; at least; minimum; no less than: 少なくとも means that something is the minimum requirement or the smallest amount acceptable.
    • Example: 彼は少なくとも一時間は勉強した。
    • Translation: He studied for at least an hour.
  2. even if only; even if just; even if it's only: 少なくとも here implies that even a small amount or action is better than none.
    • Example: 少なくとも電話ぐらいしてくれたらよかったのに。
    • Translation: I wish he had at least called.
  3. even; even though; although: 少なくとも can be used to contrast or emphasize a point, similar to "even though."
    • Example: 少なくとも彼は約束を守った。
    • Translation: At least he kept his promise.

Learn 少なくとも from Animes


(クレミン) まだ 片づかんのか!
(Clemen) Is it not cleaned up yet?!

何をやっている たかだか5人だぞ!
What are you doing? There's only five of them!

👉👉(軍人) 敵勢力が増加 少なくとも 一個 小隊はいる模様!
(Military Personnel) Enemy forces are increasing, looks like there's at least one squad!

ぐうっ こちらの損害は?
Urgh, what's our damage?

負傷59 死亡0です
59 injured, no deaths.

うん… 0?
Hmm... zero?



銃弾では効き目はない 上あごを潰せ!
Bullets won't work. Crush the upper jaw!

👉👉少なくとも… かみ殺されることはなくなる
At the very least… you won't be bitten to death.