How to use 姓 (せい)
Meaning of 姓
The Japanese verb "姓" (せい, sei) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- family name: The term used to refer to one's last name or family name.
- Example: 彼の姓は田中です。
- Translation: His family name is Tanaka.
- ancestral name: Refers to the name inherited from one's ancestors, often synonymous with family name.
- Example: 彼女の祖先の姓は佐藤です。
- Translation: Her ancestral name is Sato.
Learn 姓 from Animes
父親? 驚いた あいつ子供なんぞ作って おった
Father? Surprised, he actually had kids.
👉👉でも たしかお前たちの姓は エルリックで はなかったか?
But, wasn't your last name Elric?
👉👉(エドワード) エルリックは母方の姓だ!
(Edward) Elric is our mother's surname!
(お父様) なるほど で 奴は今どこに?
(Father) I see. So, where is he now?
知らねえよ それより あんたのほうこそ 何者だ?
Dunno, more importantly, who the hell are you?
ホーエンハイム そっくりじゃねえか
You look just like Hohenheim.
No way he's dead.
Listen up.
(アルフォンス) 兄さん この人
(Alphonse) Brother, this person...