How to use 狡い (ずるい)
Meaning of 狡い
The Japanese verb "狡い" (ずるい, zurui) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- cunning, sly, crafty: Describes someone who is clever in a deceitful or manipulative way
- Example: 彼はずるいやり方で勝った。
- Translation: He won by cunning means.
- : unfair, unjust
- Example: Refers to situations or actions that are not fair or equitable
- Translation: そのルールはずるいと思う。
- I think that rule is unfair.:
- Example: mean, cruel
- Translation: Used to describe behavior that is harsh or unkind
Learn 狡い from Animes
(ウィンリィ) また学校で関係ない本読ん で…
(Winry) You're reading unrelated books in school again...
You need to pay attention in class.
(Edward) Shut up.
(ウィンリィ) ねえ なんの本読んでるの ?
(Winry) Hey, what book are you reading?
It's none of Winry's business.
👉👉狡い いつも2人で秘密にして
It's unfair, you two always keep secrets.
(アルフォンス) エッヘッヘ じゃあね
(Alphonse) Ehehe, see you then.