How to use ぜひとも (ぜひとも)
Meaning of ぜひとも
The Japanese verb "ぜひとも" (ぜひとも, zehitomo) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- by all means: This phrase is used to emphasize the strong desire or necessity to do something, often with a sense of urgency or importance.
- Example: ぜひともその会議に出席してください。
- Translation: Please attend that meeting by all means.
Learn ぜひとも from Animes
神聖なる教団へようこそ 鋼の錬金術師
Welcome to the sacred order, Fullmetal Alchemist.
Lord Cornello!
(コーネロ) 先走った連中がいたようだな
(Cornello) It seems some have jumped the gun.
失礼の段 お詫びしよう
I apologize for the rudeness.
(エドワード) 高いところから見下ろして 詫びもねえもんだ
(Edward) You're looking down from on high and not really apologizing.
Have you come to receive the teachings?
I'd really like to be taught.
せこい錬金術で 信者をだます方法とか
Like how to deceive followers with cheap alchemy.