How to use 素人 (しろうと)
Meaning of 素人
The Japanese verb "素人" (しろうと, shirouto) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- layman: A person who is not a specialist or professional in a particular field.
- Example: 彼は素人だが、料理が上手い。
- Translation: He is an amateur, but he is good at cooking.
- amateur: Someone who engages in an activity for pleasure rather than for financial benefit or professional reasons.
- Example: 彼女は素人ピアニストだが、プロ並みに弾ける。
- Translation: She is an amateur pianist, but she can play as well as a professional.
- non-expert: Someone who lacks specialized knowledge or training in a specific area.
- Example: 素人にはこの機械の操作が難しい。
- Translation: This machine is difficult for a non-expert to operate.
- outsider: A person who is not part of a particular group or organization.
- Example: 彼は業界の素人だが、新しい視点を持っている。
- Translation: He is an outsider to the industry, but he brings a fresh perspective.
Learn 素人 from Animes
レイブン中将の姿が見えないそうだ どこか 行きそうな所を知らないか?
It seems that Major General Raven cannot be found. Do you know where he might have gone?
He's missing?
👉👉まいったな ここは素人が勝手に 歩き回れるほど安全な構造じゃない
That's troubling. This structure isn't safe enough for amateurs to wander around.
If something happened to the Major General...
(Kimblee) That would be fortunate.
In the case that something happened to Major General Raven,
私 個人の判断で 自由に動いてよしと
I've can act freely on my own judgment.
大総統から許可を もらっているんですよ
I've gotten the Führer's permission for this
(エドワード) ぐうっ… なんとか ウィンリィたちに知らせないと!
(Edward) Ugh... I must somehow inform Winry and the others!
この吹雪の中 追いかけるのは不可能だ
It's impossible to chase them in this blizzard.
だからって放っておけるか! オレは行くぞ
But can I just leave it be? I'm going!
Don't underestimate a blizzard, amateur!
あっという間に体力を奪われ 凍え死ぬぞ
You'll be drained of your strength in no time and freeze to death.
(アルフォンス)あるよ 方法
(Alphonse) Well, there is a way.
(エドワード) おいっ おいおい 待て 待て待て! ふんばれ 負けるな!
(Edward) Hey, hey, wait, wait, wait! Hold on, don't give in!
Keep your consciousness!
(リン)ううっ 聞け!
(Ling) Ugh, listen!
エド!中央の地下にいる あのお父様とやら が
Ed! That Father guy in Central's underground
来たるべきその日に 扉を開ける
will open the door on that day.
👉👉オレの素人考えだが そこにお前たち兄弟が 飛び込めば
Just my layman's thought, but if you brothers jump in there,
2人とも 元の体に戻れんじゃないか?
you might both get your original bodies back, right?