How to use 人命 (じんめい)

Meaning of 人命

The Japanese verb "人命" (じんめい, jinmei) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Human life: Refers to the life of a person, often used in contexts emphasizing the value or sanctity of life.
    • Example: 人命を尊重する社会を作ることが重要です。
    • Translation: It is important to create a society that respects human life.
  2. Life of a person: Can be used in legal or medical contexts to discuss the life of an individual.
    • Example: 彼の人命は医師の手によって救われた。
    • Translation: His life was saved by the hands of a doctor.

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でかくなったな お前 痩せたんじゃないか
You've grown, haven't you? Did you lose weight?

You too.

Are you busy with work?

ああ 相変わらず死体の相手
Yeah, still dealing with corpses.

ああ いや 今週は生きた患者を 2人ほど 治療したな
Oh, no, this week I treated two living patients.

👉👉笑えるよな このオレが人命救助だとよ
It's funny, isn't it? Me, saving lives.