How to use 第一 (だいいち)

Meaning of 第一

The Japanese verb "第一" (だいいち, daiichi) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. first, foremost: This usage emphasizes the primary or most important point in a list or argument.
    • Example: だいいち、健康が一番大切だ。
    • Translation: First and foremost, health is the most important.
  2. particularly, especially: Used to highlight something as being more significant or exceptional than others.
    • Example: 彼はとりわけその分野に詳しい。
    • Translation: He is particularly knowledgeable in that field.

Learn 第一 from Animes


(Mustang) Scar?

Man with the scar...

(ヒューズ) ああ 素性が分からんから オレたちはそう呼んでる
(Hughes) Yes, we don't know his background, so we just call him that.

His motives are unclear, and he appears and disappears unpredictably.

額に大きな傷があるということ ぐらいしか 情報がないのです
The only information we have is that he has a large scar on his forehead.

うわさは耳にしていたが そいつを追ってき たわけか
I'd heard rumors, but you came chasing after him?

(ヒューズ) 憲兵司令部のお声がかりでな
(Hughes) It's a request from the Military Police Headquarters.

軍法会議所の仕事も 山積みだってのに 頭痛えよ
Despite the mountain of work at the court-martial, it's a real headache.

(アームストロング) 国家錬金術師ばかり 中央で5人
(Armstrong) It's been mainly State Alchemists, five in Central alone.

国内ですと 10人が被害にあっております
In the country, ten have been victimized.

(ヒューズ) 5日前には グランの じいさんもやられてる
(Hughes) Just five days ago, even old man Gran was targeted.

えっ グラン准将が?
Eh? General Gran?

He's a top expert in weapon transmutation and military combat.

That shows how dangerous this guy is.

悪いことは言わん 護衛を増やして しばらくおとなしくしててくれ
I'm not saying this lightly: increase your guards and keep a low profile for a while.

This is also a request as a friend.

ここらで有名どころといったら タッカーと お前さんだけだろ?
Around here, the only well-known ones are you and Tucker, right?

ハッ マズい!
Ha, this is bad!


Here we go!

(Edward) What did you do?

👉👉(医者) なに ただの第一段階だよ
(Doctor) What? It's just the first phase.