How to use 葬式 (そうしき)

Meaning of 葬式

The Japanese verb "葬式" (そうしき, sooshiki) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. funeral: A ceremony held to honor and remember the deceased, often involving rituals and mourning.
    • Example: 彼の葬式はとても厳粛でした。
    • Translation: His funeral was very solemn.
  2. burial ceremony: The act of interring the deceased, often part of the funeral process.
    • Example: 葬式の後、遺体は墓地に埋葬されました。
    • Translation: After the funeral, the body was buried in the cemetery.

Learn 葬式 from Animes


If Dad comes back...

(エドワード) あいつのことは言うな!
(Edward) Don't talk about him!

あんな奴 父さんじゃない
That guy isn't our father.

👉👉お母さんのお葬式にも帰って 来なかったん だぞ
He didn't even come back for Mom's funeral.


👉👉(老婦人) お葬式ですのねえ
(Old Woman) It's a funeral, isn't it?