How to use うろうろ (うろうろ)

Meaning of うろうろ

The Japanese verb "うろうろ" (うろうろ, uro-uro) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. To wander / To roam: To move around aimlessly or without a clear purpose.
    • Example: 駅でうろうろしている。
    • Translation: He's wandering around the station.
  2. To hover / To loiter: To stay in one area without a specific reason, often perceived as suspicious or annoying.
    • Example: 店の前でうろうろしている。
    • Translation: He's hovering around in front of the shop.
  3. To be restless / To be unsettled: A state of being unable to stay still or calm, often due to anxiety or indecision.
    • Example: 彼はうろうろして落ち着かない。
    • Translation: He's restless and can't settle down.

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