How to use 通路 (つうろ)

Meaning of 通路

The Japanese verb "通路" (つうろ, tsuuro) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. passage: A pathway or corridor, often within a building or structure.
    • Example: この通路は駅のホームに直結しています。
    • Translation: This passage leads directly to the station platform.
  2. corridor: A long, narrow hallway, especially one that is enclosed and connects different parts of a building.
    • Example: 会議室はこの通路の突き当たりにあります。
    • Translation: The meeting room is at the end of this corridor.
  3. channel: A route or means of communication or access, often used metaphorically.
    • Example: 情報の通路を確保するために、定期的なミーティングが必要です。
    • Translation: Regular meetings are necessary to secure a channel of information.
  4. passageway: A way through which one can pass, often outdoors or in public spaces.
    • Example: この通路は公園の中央を通り抜けます。
    • Translation: This passageway goes through the center of the park.

Learn 通路 from Animes


(Barry) Oh-ho!

ヘッへヘヘ 了解 人は殺さねえよ
Heh heh heh, got it. I won't kill anyone.

It's the second passageway in the warehouse district, right?


(オヤジ) ご覧のありさまだ 今さら 入っても何もないよ
(Old Man) As you can see, it's too late now; there's nothing to gain by going in.

👉👉(ホーエンハイム) 地下に降りる通路は あるかな?
(Hohenheim) Is there a passage down to the underground?

(ロゼ) えっ ええ あるにはあります けど
(Rose) Uh, yes, there is one, but...


👉👉(オリヴィエ) どこへ行く通路だ?
(Olivier) Which passage does this lead to?

(ブリッグズ兵) かなり下まで いって いるようです
(Briggs Soldier) It seems to go down quite far.


第五研究所 5か所
The Fifth Research Institute, there are five of them.

A transmutation circle with five vertices.

👉👉まさか あのカーブした地下通路
Could it be that the curved underground passage...

研究所をつなぐ 円を描いていたというの?
was drawing a circle connecting the institutes?