How to use 伝わる (つたわる)

Meaning of 伝わる
The Japanese verb "伝わる" (つたわる, tutawaru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- to be conveyed: This refers to the act of information, feelings, or messages being successfully communicated or passed on from one person to another.
- Example: 彼の気持ちは私に伝わった。
- Translation: His feelings were conveyed to me.
- to be handed down: This meaning pertains to traditions, stories, or knowledge being passed down through generations.
- Example: この伝説は代々伝わっている。
- Translation: This legend has been handed down through generations.
- to be known: Here, it means that something becomes widely known or recognized by many people.
- Example: そのニュースはすぐに全国に伝わった。
- Translation: That news was soon known throughout the country.
- to be felt: This usage indicates that an emotion or atmosphere is felt or sensed by someone.
- Example: その場の緊張感が伝わってきた。
- Translation: The tension of the moment was felt.
Learn 伝わる from Animes
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The artistic alchemy passed down through generations of my Armstrong family!
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Don't get in the way.
I was told to knock you down.
What a pain.
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I'm grateful that I didn't have to stain our family's heirloom sword
with that filthy blood of his.