How to use 散らかる (ちらかる)

Meaning of 散らかる

The Japanese verb "散らかる" (ちらかる, chirakaru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. to be messy, cluttered: This refers to a state where things are not in order, scattered around, or untidy.
    • Example: 部屋が散らかっているので、片付けなければならない。
    • Translation: The room is messy, so I have to clean it up.
  2. to be scattered, strewn: This describes items or objects being spread out or distributed over an area, often unintentionally.
    • Example: 風で紙が散らかってしまった。
    • Translation: The papers were scattered by the wind.

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👉👉(アルフォンス) ホントに散らかり放題だ …
(Alphonse) It really is a mess...

誰か片づけてくれる人は いないのかな? あっ…
Isn't there anyone to clean this up? Oh...


👉👉(息子) うわっ 散らかってるなあ
(Son) Wow, it's messy in here.

(妻) さあ お父さんがコーヒー 入れて くれてる間に片づけましょう
(Wife) Come on, let's clean up while Dad's making coffee.