How to use 近々 (ちかぢか)

Meaning of 近々

The Japanese verb "近々" (ちかぢか, chikadika) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. soon: Refers to an event or action that will happen in the near future.
    • Example: 彼は近々日本に帰る予定です。
    • Translation: He plans to return to Japan soon.
  2. before long: Indicates that something will occur after a short period of time.
    • Example: 近々、彼女の新しい本が出版されるでしょう。
    • Translation: Her new book will be published before long.

Learn 近々 from Animes


👉👉(マスタング) 近々 食事にお誘い できるかもしれません
(Mustang) Perhaps soon I will be in a position to invite you to dinner.

(オリヴィエ) いつぞやの 約束を果たす 気になったか
(Olivier) So, you've decided to fulfill the promise you made the other day?