How to use 直線 (ちょくせん)

Meaning of 直線
The Japanese verb "直線" (ちょくせん, chokusen) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- straight line: A line that extends infinitely in both directions without bending or curving.
- Example: この道路は直線で、走りやすいです。
- Translation: This road is a straight line, making it easy to drive on.
- linear: Referring to something that follows a straight path or is arranged in a straight line.
- Example: 彼の思考は直線的で、複雑な問題を単純化するのが得意です。
- Translation: His thinking is linear, and he is good at simplifying complex problems.
Learn 直線 from Animes
(Edward) You...!
👉👉(バリー) ねえちゃん そこの裏道から 一直線に倉庫街に逃げな
(Barry) Hey, girl, go straight to the warehouse district from that alleyway.
You can escape in the darkness there.
ロス少尉 ヒューズ中佐は…
Lieutenant Ross, about Lieutenant Colonel Hughes...
(バリー) 急げ 憲兵がきたら射殺される ぞ
(Barry) Hurry up, or you'll be shot if the military police come.
(Edward) Lieutenant Ross!
(Barry) Don't come!
(Alphonse) Lieutenant.
Lieutenant Ross!