How to use 停止 (ていし)
Meaning of 停止
The Japanese verb "停止" (ていし, teishi) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- stop, halt, cease, suspension: In the context of machinery, transportation, or processes, it means to bring something to a complete stop or to suspend an operation.
- Example: 工事が停止されました。
- Translation: The construction work has been halted.
- stop, halt, cease, suspension: In legal or official contexts, it can refer to the suspension of activities or rights.
- Example: 彼の運転免許は停止されました。
- Translation: His driver's license has been suspended.
- stop, halt, cease, suspension: In the context of computer systems or software, it refers to stopping or pausing a program or process.
- Example: プログラムの実行を停止しました。
- Translation: The program execution has been stopped.
Learn 停止 from Animes
戦車用の燃料を持ってこい 奴に浴びせる
Bring fuel for the tanks. We'll douse it with it.
Yes, ma'am!
だからムダだ 将軍! あいつは火をつけて も簡単には…
That's pointless, General! Even setting it on fire won't easily...
殺せんのは 先の攻撃でよく分かっている
I understand well from the previous attack that we can't kill it.
Then we'll just stop its functions.
火炎よりも キツいのを食らわせてやる
We'll give it something tougher than flames.
(カーリー)クレミン准将を含む13名を 拘束中 繰り返す
(Carly) We currently have General Klemin and 12 others in custody. Repeating,
作戦本部は 我々ブリッグズ軍が占拠した
the headquarters has been taken over by us, the Briggs forces.
👉👉中央軍兵士は 即刻 戦闘を停止せよ
Central Army soldiers, cease combat immediately.
We hold General Klemin captive.
(Pride) Greed,
人造人間の矜持を捨てるとは 情けない
It's pathetic to abandon the pride of being a homunculus.
(エドワード) なんで お前ら
(Edward) Why do you guys
obey such a father?
You ask such trivial things.
生みの親に従うのは 当たり前じゃないです か
Isn't it natural to obey one's creator?
へっ! つまんねえのは そっちだ
Ha! The boring one is you.
Natural, you say?
👉👉自分の頭で考えようとしない 思考停止野郎 が!
You're just a thoughtless fool who doesn't think for himself!
(エドワード)うわっ! うっ…
(Edward) Ugh! Uh...
I don't get it...
なんで お前があいつの 言いなりになっ てんのか
Why are you following his orders?