How to use ついで (ついで)
Meaning of ついで
The Japanese verb "ついで" (ついで, tsuide) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- incidentally, while doing something else: This meaning refers to doing something additional while already engaged in another activity.
- Example: ついでにコンビニに寄りましょう。
- Translation: Let's stop by the convenience store while we're at it.
- convenience, opportunity: This usage implies taking advantage of a situation or opportunity.
- Example: ついでに洗濯も済ませてしまいましょう。
- Translation: Let's do the laundry while we're at it.
Learn ついで from Animes
この血印 これを壊せば―
This blood seal. If you destroy it—
You win
Kind of you to teach me your weakness
(ナンバー48) 私は戦いに緊張感を 求める タイプなのでな
(Number 48) I'm the type who seeks thrill in battle you see
How about you let me off this time, while you're being kind?
Just kidding
(ナンバー48) 殺人鬼が目の前の獲物を だまって 見逃すわけなかろう?
(Number 48) A murderer wouldn't just quietly let his prey go, right?
機械鎧の聖地 ラッシュバレー
The sacred ground of automail , Rush Valley.
一度 行ってみたかったのーっ!
I've always wanted to go there!
連れてって 連れてって 連れてって 連れ てけーっ!
Take me, take me, take me, take me!
1人で行け そんな所!
Go alone to a place like that!
誰が旅の費用 払うのよ!
Who's going to pay for the travel expenses?
Are you trying to mooch off me?
👉👉(アルフォンス) まあまあ いいんじゃ ない ついでだし
(Alphonse) Well, it's not so bad... We're already here.
Can't be helped, I guess...
やったあー! アハハハッ