How to use 追加 (ついか)

Meaning of 追加

The Japanese verb "追加" (ついか, tsuika) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. addition: The act of adding something to an existing collection or set.
    • Example: このプロジェクトに新しいメンバーを追加しました。
    • Translation: We added a new member to this project.
  2. addition: The inclusion of extra items or elements.
    • Example: プレゼントに追加でお菓子を入れました。
    • Translation: I added some sweets as an extra to the gift.
  3. addition: The process of adding numbers or quantities together.
    • Example: 計算で、2と3を追加すると5になります。
    • Translation: When you add 2 and 3 in the calculation, it becomes 5.
  4. addition: The act of supplementing or augmenting something.
    • Example: 彼は自分のスピーチに追加の情報を提供しました。
    • Translation: He provided additional information to his speech.

Learn 追加 from Animes


アッハハッ あーあっ 行っちゃったよ
Hahaha, ah, they've gone.

👉👉うん おっちゃん デザート追加ね
Yeah, uncle, add some dessert.

(Edward) Take that!


(店員) いらっしゃいませ!
(Shopkeeper) Welcome!

(アルフォンス) ジェルソさん ザンパノ さん
(Alphonse) Mr. Jeerso, Mr. Zampano.

(ザンパノ) おお いっぱいあるぞ 食え
(Zampano) Oh, there's plenty here, eat up!

👉👉はい すいませーん 牛乳とサンドイッチ 追加で!
Yes, excuse me! More milk and sandwiches, please!

(Shopkeeper) Sure!