How to use 誓う (ちかう)

Meaning of 誓う

The Japanese verb "誓う" (ちかう, chikau) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. to swear, to vow, to pledge: This meaning involves making a solemn promise or commitment, often with a sense of duty or loyalty.
    • Example: 彼は彼女に永遠の愛を誓った。
    • Translation: He swore eternal love to her.
  2. to affirm, to assert: Here, it means to state something as true or certain, often with conviction.
    • Example: 私はその事実を誓います。
    • Translation: I affirm that fact.

Learn 誓う from Animes


(Yoki) If only they weren't here...

エルリック兄弟たちさえ いなければ…
If only those Elric brothers weren't here...

👉👉その時 私は誓った
At that moment, I swore,

そうだ 復讐してやる
Yes, I'll get my revenge.

この私をこんな目にあわせた あいつらに―
On those who've put me through this—

死よりも 恐ろしい 復讐を
A revenge more terrifying than death.


(マイルズ) これでいいのか?
(Miles) Is this okay?

ああ そのほうが そちらさんも安心だろう
Yeah, that way you'll feel more at ease, I suppose.

傷の男一芝居 頼むぞ
Scar, give us a little performance.

I understand.

👉👉誓いは守れよ イシュヴァールの血にかけて
Keep the vow, by the blood of Ishval.



👉👉誓ったんだ 兄さんと誓ったんだ
We swore, my brother and I swore,

もう誰も 絶対死なせないって
we won't let anyone die ever again.