How to use おやつ (おやつ)
Meaning of おやつ
The Japanese verb "おやつ" (おやつ, oyatsu) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- Snack: Refers to a light meal or snack, often eaten between meals, especially in the afternoon.
- Example: 学校から帰って、おやつを食べる。
- Translation: I eat a snack after coming home from school.
Learn おやつ from Animes
小さい頃から いっぱいケンカしたよな
We fought a lot since we were kids, huh?
(Alphonse) Yeah...
今思えばくっだらねえことで ケンカしてた なあ
Thinking back, we were fighting over stupid things, huh?
(アルフォンス) 二段ベッドの上か下か… とかね
(Alphonse) Like who gets the top or bottom bunk...
(Edward) Ah!
👉👉(アルフォンス) おやつのことでもケンカ したっけ?
(Alphonse) Did we fight over snacks too?
(エドワード) おもちゃの取り合いもやっ たな
(Edward) We fought over toys too.
(Alphonse) I won.
When we played at the Rhine River too.
(エドワード) オレ 川に突き落とされた っけ…
(Edward) I got pushed into the river...
(アルフォンス) 修行中もケンカしてたよ ね
(Alphonse) We fought during training too.
(エドワード) やっかましいって師匠に 半殺しにされたから
(Edward) Because we were so noisy, the teacher nearly killed us.
ドローだろ あれは…
That was a draw, right?
(アルフォンス) ウィンリィをお嫁さんに するのは どっちってケンカもした
(Alphonse) We even fought over who would marry Winry.
ええっ そんなの覚えてねえぞ!
What? I don't remember that!
(アルフォンス) ボクが勝った でもフラ れた
(Alphonse) I won, but I got rejected.
(エドワード)あっ ああそう…
(Edward) Ah, yeah...