How to use こうして (こうして)

Meaning of こうして

The Japanese verb "こうして" (こうして, koushite) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. In this way: Describes the manner in which something is done or happens.
    • Example: こうしてプロジェクトは完了した。
    • Translation: In this way, the project was completed.
  2. Thus / Therefore: Indicates a result or consequence of actions previously mentioned.
    • Example: 彼は努力を続け、こうして成功した。
    • Translation: He kept making efforts and thus succeeded.

Learn こうして from Animes


She's taken quite a liking to you.

👉👉アハハハッ こうして見ると兄弟みたいだな
Ahahaha! They look just like siblings.

(Elicia) Big sister!

いってらっしゃい 早く帰ってきてね!
Have a good trip! Come back soon!

ウフッ 今日の宿も決まりね
Hehe, seems like tonight's lodging has been decided


(アルフォンス) 具合悪かったんじゃない んですか
(Alphonse) Weren't you feeling unwell?

👉👉何を言う お前たちが 来たというから こうして!
Nonsense, I'm doing this because you two came!


Having lived for 60 years,

👉👉こうして今 国のトップに立っている
and now standing at the top of the country like this,

すべて 父上の予定どおりに
all according to my father's plan.

(Pride) However?


👉👉こうして 炭鉱をだまし取られた私は
Thus, I was deceived out of my coal mine

恩を忘れた町の住民どもに ひどい目に あわされ
And was treated terribly by the ungrateful townsfolk,

軍部には あらぬ汚名を着せられた
And was falsely accused by the military.


(青年ホーエンハイム) 感謝しているよ
(Young Hohenheim) I'm grateful.

(Homunculus in the Flask) For what?

👉👉(青年ホーエンハイム) 知識をくれた おかげで こうしていい暮らしができている
(Young Hohenheim) Thanks to the knowledge you gave me, I can live a good life now.

My master is also pleased with me.

いずれ誰かと結婚し 家庭を持つことだって 夢じゃない
It's not a dream to eventually marry someone and have a family.

(Homunculus in the Flask) A family, huh...

Humans are inconvenient.

そうやって コミュニティを持って繁殖せね ば
Having to form communities and reproduce to

continue your species.

Don't say reproduce.

お前から見たら バカバカしいかもしれない けど
It might seem foolish to you, but

things like family and friends...

そういうものに 幸せってのがあったりする んだよ
there's happiness in such things

for us, humans

(フラスコの中の小人) そんなものかねえ …
(Homunculus in the Flask) Is that so...

じゃあ お前の幸せってなんだ?
Then, what is your happiness?

(フラスコの中の小人) そうだな… ぜいたくは言わないが
(Homunculus in the Flask) Well... I won't ask for much,

このフラスコから 出られる身になれば幸せ かな
but being able to have a body that can leave this flask would be happiness.


(ジェルソ) しかし なんか妙な感じだよ な 元軍人のオレたちが―
(Jelso) It's strange, isn't it? Us former soldiers—

イシュヴァール人と一緒に 行動するなんて よお
working together with Ishvalans.

(ザンパノ) そうそう オレたちにとっ ちゃ アメストリスは生まれた故郷だし
(Zanpano) Exactly, to us, Amestris is the place where we were born,

we have families here too.

But Scar, who once rebelled against the country...

👉👉今こうして この国を救うために 動いてる なんてなあ
Now, he's moving to save this country.

勘違いするな この国を救うのではない
Don't get me wrong. It's not about saving this country;

it's about changing it.


👉👉(キング・ブラッドレイ) こうして死に 直面するというのは いいものだな
(King Bradley) Facing death like this, it's quite something, isn't it?