How to use こっそり (こっそり)

Meaning of こっそり

The Japanese verb "こっそり" (こっそり, kosori) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Secretly / In secret: Refers to doing something discreetly without others noticing or knowing.
    • Example: こっそりお菓子を食べた。
    • Translation: I secretly ate some candy.
  2. Quietly / Stealthily: Indicates an action done with minimal noise or attention.
    • Example: こっそり家を出た。
    • Translation: I left the house quietly.

Learn こっそり from Animes


時が来たら君たちには 存分に働いてもらう ので
When the time comes, I'll have you work to your fullest,

so be prepared.

(ブラッドレイの部下) 閣下! 大総統 閣下はいずこ!
(Bradley's subordinate) Your Excellency! Where is the Fuhrer?

ああ いかん! うるさい部下が追ってきた
Ah, this isn't good! My noisy subordinates are on my tail.

👉👉(ブラッドレイ) 仕事をこっそり 抜け出してきたのでな
(Bradley) No, I just sneaked out from work.

では さらば!
Farewell then!


お前な この非常時に何拾ってんだよ!
You, what are you picking up in this emergency?!

(アルフォンス) だってあの騒ぎの中 1 人ぼっちだったんだよ
(Alphonse) It was all alone in that commotion.

Every single time, you

👉👉野良ネコを拾ってはこっそり 体の中で飼い やがって
secretly keep stray cats inside your body.

Get rid of it.

(アルフォンス) 兄さんの人でなし
(Alphonse) You're heartless, brother.

Even though it's so docile.