How to use こんばんは (こんばんは)

Meaning of こんばんは

The Japanese verb "こんばんは" (こんばんは, konbanwa) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Good evening: A greeting used in the evening, typically from around 6 PM onwards, to acknowledge the time of day.
    • Example: こんばんは、今日はどんな一日でしたか?
    • Translation: Good evening, how was your day today?
  2. Hello (in the evening): A casual way to say hello when meeting someone in the evening, similar to "Good evening" but less formal.
    • Example: こんばんは、久しぶりね!
    • Translation: Hello, it's been a while!

Learn こんばんは from Animes


(Vanessa) Oh

ロイさん お久
Long time no see, Roy

元気そうだね ヴァネッサ
You look well, Vanessa

(マダム・クリスマス) 久しぶりだね ロイ坊
(Madam Christmas) It's been a while, Roy boy

👉👉(マスタング) こんばんは マダム・ クリスマス
(Mustang) Good evening, Madam Christmas

How have you been?

いや 全然ダメ 景気づけに遊びに来た
No, not good at all. I came out for some fun to help me recover

何 飲む
What will you drink?

(マスタング) 病み上がりなんでね 酒は ダメなんだ
(Mustang) I can't drink alcohol since I'm still recovering


👉👉こんばんは 父さん久しぶり
Good evening, it's been a while, Dad.

あなた 元気
Are you well?

(息子) 近くに寄る用事があったから
(Son) I had some business nearby, so...


(ブラッドレイ夫人) セリム まだ起きて たの?
(Mrs. Bradley) Selim, you're still up?

(セリム・ブラッドレイ) はい 玄関の音 がしたから
(Selim Bradley) Yes, I heard a noise at the door.

I thought it might be Dad coming home.

This is Lieutenant Hawkeye.

👉👉こんばんは ホークアイさん
Good evening, Ms. Hawkeye.

Nice to meet you.

こんな時間まで お仕事なんですか?
Are you working this late?

はい 閣下に書類を届けにきました
Yes, I came to deliver some documents to the Führer.

お休みのところ起こしてしまって 申し訳 ありません
I apologize for disturbing your rest.

さあ セリム様
Now, Master Selim,

お休みにならないと 明日 寝坊してしまい ますよ
if you don't go to sleep, you'll oversleep tomorrow.
