How to use やはり (やはり)
Meaning of やはり
The Japanese verb "やはり" (やはり, yahari) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- As expected: Used when outcomes match predictions
- Example: やはり彼は遅れて到着した。
- Translation: As expected, he arrived late.
- Still: Despite changes or previous events
- Example: 彼女はやはりその計画に反対した。
- Translation: She still opposed the plan.
- Also: Additionally or in extension
- Example: 彼はやはりその話題に触れたくなかった。
- Translation: He also did not want to touch on that topic.
Learn やはり from Animes
This is...
(エンヴィー) あらら お前たちかよ
(Envy) Oh, it's you guys.
👉👉やはり エンヴィー
Of course, Envy.
出口 教えてくださーい!
Please tell us where the exit is!
美しくないぞ! エドワード・エルリック
That's not beautiful! Edward Elric.
うるせえ! 人間生き残ってなんぼなん じゃい!
Shut up! Survival is what matters for humans!
(Ling) Disgusting!
(エンヴィー) 残念だけど 出口なんて ないよ
(Envy) Sorry to say, but there's no exit.
っとに 余計なことしてくれた この エンヴィーまで 芋づるだよ
Damn, you've caused us trouble. Now even Envy is here.
Where are we?
やっぱり グラトニーの腹の中なのか?
Are we really inside Gluttony's stomach?
腹の中であり 腹の中じゃない
It's inside the body, but not exactly inside the stomach.
錬金術師さんはここがどこか 気づいてるん じゃないかい?
An alchemist like you should know where this is, right?
そういや グラトニーに飲まれた瞬間
Come to think of it, when Gluttony swallowed us...
that sensation felt familiar...
(エンヴィー) 覚えがあるだろう? あんた過去に経験してんだから
(Envy) You should remember, you've experienced it before.
(ホークアイ) 結局 軍人になったのか…
(Hawkeye) So you've become a soldier after all...
As expected, the Flame Alchemy is still too early for you.
(ロイ・マスタング) まだ ですか… 結局 今日まで
(Roy Mustang) Still... after all this time
錬金術の基礎しか 教えてくださいません でした
You've only taught me the basics of alchemy.
(ホークアイ) 当たり前だ 軍の犬に 成り下がるような奴には
(Hawkeye) Of course. To someone who would lower themselves to become a military's dog
基礎を教えることですら もったいないわ ゴホッ ゴホッ
Teaching even the basics to them is a waste. Cough, cough.
錬金術は大衆のため… ですか?
Alchemy is for the masses... right?
師匠周辺諸国の脅威に さらされている今
With the master and neighboring countries under threat,
軍の強化こそが急務です 国民を守るために ―
Strengthening the military is the priority to protect the citizens—
Alchemy is...
(ホークアイ) そんな言い訳は 聞き飽き た!
(Hawkeye) I'm tired of hearing such excuses!
(ホークアイ) ゴホッ ゴホッ ゴホッ おお…
(Hawkeye) Cough, cough, cough, oh...
(オリヴィエ) 賢者の石人造人間
(Olivier) Philosopher's Stone, Homunculi,
キング・ブラッドレイ お父様と呼ばれる男
The man called Father, King Bradley.
The military high command is completely corrupt.
👉👉そして やはり人質か…
And, as expected, hostages...
幼なじみの機械鎧技師に マスタングの部下
The childhood friend mechanic, Mustang's subordinates.
東方司令部とは よく合同訓練をしていた から
We often had joint training with Eastern Command,
ホークアイや ハボックは知っているぞ
so I know Hawkeye and Havoc.
失うには惜しい奴らだ なんとかしたいな
They are too valuable to lose, I'd like to do something.
(Buccaneer) Hmm?
貴様 なんで牢を出ている?
Why are you out of jail?
さあね これが 国家錬金術師の力ってやつ ?
Well, this is the power of a State Alchemist, right?
(バッカニア) ふん 今頃 寒冷地用に 換装か
(Buccaneer) Heh, changing to cold weather gear now?
そちらさんも? (ウィンリィ)アッ!
You too? (Winry) Ah!
👉👉ふふん やはり これが 一番しっくりくる !
Heh, this one fits best after all!
Light combat armor M1910
えっ? 爪の先だけ強化してある
Eh? Only the tips of the nails are reinforced.
Could it be diamond material?
ひでえよ ゴリさん
That's harsh, Gori-san.
同士討ちを避けるために 一緒にいたんじゃ
We stuck together to avoid friendly fire, didn't we?
(Darius) Sorry.
👉👉やはり暗闇では グラトニーの有利は動かん か
Even in the dark, Gluttony's advantage remains unchanged, huh?
But if we turn on the lights, Pride will be a problem.
This is quite troublesome.
いい色のスーツになった じゃないですか キンブリー
You've turned into a nice colored suit, Kimblee.
百獣の王とは よく言ったものです
The King of Beasts, how fitting.
Following the law of the jungle,
あっさりと君の喉笛を 噛み切ってしまい ました
I easily bit through your windpipe.
👉👉やはり人間は この世界において 取るに 足らない存在なのですね
Indeed, humans are truly insignificant in this world.
How did you survive?
Because my eyes are too sharp
がれきの中のどこをどう走れば 逃げられる のか
Which way and where to run through the debris to escape
I can instantly make a judgement
👉👉しかし やはり歳だな
But still, it's age, I guess
The body doesn't keep up like it used to