How to use アンテナ (あんがい)

Meaning of アンテナ

The Japanese verb "アンテナ" (あんがい, antenna (on an insect or crustacean)) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Insects and crustaceans use their antennae to sense their environment.: 昆虫や甲殻類はアンテナを使って環境を感じ取る。
    • Example: Insects and crustaceans use their antennae to sense their environment.
    • Translation: antenna (on a radio or TV)
  2. An antenna is used to receive signals for radio and television.: テレビのアンテナが信号を受信するために使われる。
    • Example: An antenna is used to receive signals for radio and television.
    • Translation: antenna (figurative, for sensing trends or information)
  3. Some people have a natural antenna for picking up on trends or information.: 彼は流行や情報を感じ取るアンテナを持っている。
    • Example: He has an antenna for picking up on trends or information.
    • Translation: antenna (in satellite communication)
  4. Satellites use antennas to communicate with Earth.: 衛星はアンテナを使って地球と通信する。
    • Example: Satellites use antennas to communicate with Earth.
    • Translation:

Learn アンテナ from Animes


すっ すげえ

でっけえ なんだこれ
that's huge, what is this?

(オリヴィエ) 入れ 鋼の錬金術師
(Olivier) Come in, Fullmetal Alchemist.

すげえ たけえ でけえ
Wow, it's tall, it's huge.

とっとと歩かんか グズども!
Walk faster, you lazy bums!

I'll pull out the antenna on top of your head!


(バッカニア) で… そんなノーマル機械 鎧で―
(Buccaneer) So... with such a normal automail,

何しにここへ来たんだ? 司令部も通さず 単身で
what did you come here to do? Without even going through headquarters, on your own?

(エドワード) そうだ! アームストロング少将に―
(Edward) Right! I came with a letter of introduction

力を借りようと 紹介状を持ってきたのに
to ask for Major General Armstrong's help,

👉👉あの女将軍 人の話も聞かんで オレの アンテナをむしるだなどと…
but that woman general wouldn't even listen and said she'd rip off my antenna...

(オリヴィエ・ミラ・ アームストロング) 呼んだか? 赤チビ
(Olivier Mira Armstrong) Did you call me, red shrimp?

あっ 赤…
Ah, red...

なんだ? 文句があるならさっさと言え
What? If you have a complaint, spit it out now.