How to use カーブ (カーブ)

Meaning of カーブ

The Japanese verb "カーブ" (カーブ, kaabu) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Curve: Refers to a bend or curve, often in roads or paths.
    • Example: この道はカーブが多い。
    • Translation: This road has many curves.
  2. Pitch (in baseball): A type of pitch in baseball that moves in a curved path.
    • Example: 彼はカーブが得意だ。
    • Translation: He's good at throwing curveballs.

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👉👉カーブでは速度を かなり落としますね
You really slow down on the curves, don't you?

Is it possible to jump off?

できなくはないでしょうが とても危険です
It's not impossible, but it's very dangerous.


(ゾルフ・J・キンブリー) 列車から 飛び降りるなら
(Zolf J. Kimblee) If one is going to jump off the train,

it would be around here where there are many curves.

The locomotive will slow down here.

問題は ここからどちらに 向かったかです が
The issue is, which direction they headed after that.


(ブリッグズ兵) でかいです
(Briggs Soldier) It's huge.

ちょっとした軍隊なら 通れそうな穴です
It's a hole big enough for a small army to pass through.

👉👉それが緩やかなカーブを描いて 延々と続い ています
And it goes on and on, tracing a gentle curve.


第五研究所 5か所
The Fifth Research Institute, there are five of them.

A transmutation circle with five vertices.

👉👉まさか あのカーブした地下通路
Could it be that the curved underground passage...

研究所をつなぐ 円を描いていたというの?
was drawing a circle connecting the institutes?