How to use ダイヤモンド (ダイヤモンド)

Meaning of ダイヤモンド

The Japanese verb "ダイヤモンド" (ダイヤモンド, daiyamondo) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Diamond (gemstone): A precious stone known for its hardness and brilliance, often used in jewelry.
    • Example: 彼女は誕生日にダイヤモンドの指輪をもらった。
    • Translation: She received a diamond ring for her birthday.
  2. Diamond (shape): Refers to the rhombus or lozenge shape, often seen in card games or as a symbol.
    • Example: トランプのダイヤモンドは赤い。
    • Translation: The diamonds in cards are red.
  3. Diamond (baseball): The infield area of a baseball field, shaped like a diamond.
    • Example: 彼はダイヤモンドを一周してホームに戻った。
    • Translation: He rounded the diamond and returned to home plate.

Learn ダイヤモンド from Animes


Come to think of it, it's simple.

Even if you're a homunculus, if your body's normal,

構成物質の3分の1は 炭素でできてるって ことだ
It means a third of your body composition is carbon.

Carbon atoms, depending on the bonding degree,

👉👉鉛筆の芯からダイヤモンドにまで 硬さを 変える
change hardness from pencil lead to diamond

そこまで分かりゃ あとは錬金術の分野だ
Once you understand that, the rest is alchemy's domain.