How to use 交代 (こうたい)

Meaning of 交代

The Japanese verb "交代" (こうたい, koutai) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Shift / Changeover: Refers to the act of changing places, roles, or duties with another.
    • Example: シフトが交代する。
    • Translation: Shifts change.
  2. Alternate / Take turns: Indicates taking turns or switching between activities or individuals.
    • Example: 交代で働く。
    • Translation: Work in shifts.

Learn 交代 from Animes


(アレックス・ ルイ・アームストロング) いかがなされました? 大佐
(Alex Louis Armstrong) How are you doing, Colonel?

You look pale.

(マスタング) 女性との待ち合わせ場所に
(Mustang) At the meeting place with a lady,

筋肉ひげダルマが立ってて 血色よくなる男 がいるか?
There is a beardy daruma standing there, How can anyone still look fine after that

(Riza Hawkeye)Colonel...


(リザ) ご無事でしたか? あっ すみません
(Riza) Are you safe? ...Oh, sorry.

ホークアイ中尉 ただいま お手洗いから 戻りました
Hawkeye, Lieutenant, I just returned from the restroom.

👉👉アームストロング少佐の ご好意に甘え 少しの間 交代を
Thanks to Lieutenant Armstrong's kindness, I took a short break.

ありがとうございました 少佐
Thank you very much, Lieutenant.

なんの なんの
Not at all.

You didn't run away?

何があっても諦めるなと言ったのは どこの どなたですか?
Who said, "Don't give up no matter what"?


(Briggs Soldier 1) Shift change.

(Briggs Soldier 2) I've been waiting for this.

It was tough with the blizzard.

さーて まずいコーヒーでも飲んでくっか
Well then, want some bad coffee?

(Briggs Soldier 1) Good work.


(Briggs Soldiers) Hmm?


ひでえよ ゴリさん
That's harsh, Gori-san.

同士討ちを避けるために 一緒にいたんじゃ
We stuck together to avoid friendly fire, didn't we?

(Darius) Sorry.

やはり暗闇では グラトニーの有利は動かん か
Even in the dark, Gluttony's advantage remains unchanged, huh?

But if we turn on the lights, Pride will be a problem.

This is quite troublesome.

(リン)おい グリード
(Ling) Hey, Greed.


Take over.

オレなら人造人間の気配を 察知できる
I can sense the presence of homunculi.

プライドに気づいたのも オレだったろ
I was the one who noticed Pride too.

この暗闇なら オレのほうがうまく立ちまわ れる
In this darkness, I can maneuver better.