How to use 倉庫 (そうこ)

Meaning of 倉庫

The Japanese verb "倉庫" (そうこ, soukou) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. A large building where goods are stored before they are sold or distributed.: この倉庫には、さまざまな種類の商品が保管されています。
    • Example: Various types of goods are stored in this warehouse.
    • Translation: storehouse
  2. A place where supplies or provisions are kept, often for long-term storage.: 古い書物や家具がこの倉庫に保管されています。
    • Example: Old books and furniture are stored in this storehouse.
    • Translation: depot
  3. A place where vehicles, especially trains or buses, are housed and maintained.: 新しいバスは、市の倉庫で整備されています。
    • Example: The new buses are being maintained at the city's depot.
    • Translation:

Learn 倉庫 from Animes


Ed and Al, boil some water.

(アルフォンス)うん (エドワード) 分かった
(Alphonse) Okay. (Edward) Got it.

パニーニャはタオルを あるだけ集めて
Paninya, gather all the towels you can find.

Roger that.

あと リドルさん 消毒用アルコールあり ますか?
Also, Mr. Riddle, do you have any rubbing alcohol?

I think there was some in the storage.

(ウィンリィ) それとサテラさんの枕元に 飲み水を
(Winry) And, can you put some drinking water by Satella's bedside?


(Edward) You...!

👉👉(バリー) ねえちゃん そこの裏道から 一直線に倉庫街に逃げな
(Barry) Hey, girl, go straight to the warehouse district from that alleyway.

You can escape in the darkness there.

ロス少尉 ヒューズ中佐は…
Lieutenant Ross, about Lieutenant Colonel Hughes...

(バリー) 急げ 憲兵がきたら射殺される ぞ
(Barry) Hurry up, or you'll be shot if the military police come.

(Edward) Lieutenant Ross!

(Barry) Don't come!

(Alphonse) Lieutenant.

Lieutenant Ross!


(Barry) Oh-ho!

ヘッへヘヘ 了解 人は殺さねえよ
Heh heh heh, got it. I won't kill anyone.

It's the second passageway in the warehouse district, right?