How to use 切っ掛け (きっかけ)

Meaning of 切っ掛け

The Japanese verb "切っ掛け" (きっかけ, kikkake) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Trigger / Opportunity / Cue: Refers to an event or action that leads to the beginning of something significant or a change; also means a chance or a starting point.
    • Example: その映画が彼女の俳優になる切っ掛けだった。
    • Translation: That movie was her cue to become an actor.

Learn 切っ掛け from Animes


(バリー1) オレの体はここに逃げ込んだ ぜ
(Barry 1) My body escaped to here.

(マスタング) 軍の第三研究所か…
(Mustang) The military's Third Research Lab...

👉👉上層部を揺する 切っ掛けができたな
We've got a chance to shake up the top brass.

十分な収穫だ 引き上げるぞ!
That's enough of a harvest; let's withdraw!

(バリー1) 十分じゃねえよ!
(Barry 1) That's not enough!

(ハボック)ああっ バカ!
(Havoc) Ah, you idiot!


大総統もということは イシュヴァール戦も 貴様らが…
So, even the Führer... Does that mean the Ishval war was your doing...


ハハハハッ! あれほど愉快な仕事はなかっ たね
Hahahaha! There was no job more entertaining than that.

👉👉知ってるかい? あの内乱が起こった 切っ掛けを
Do you know what sparked that civil conflict?

I believe it was when an army officer—

イシュヴァールの子供を 誤って殺したって …
accidentally killed an Ishvalan child...

(エンヴィー) そう このエンヴィーが 子供を撃ち殺した張本人
(Envy) Yes, that was me, Envy, who shot the child.


イシュヴァールの内乱の 真実を教えてやる
I'll tell you the truth about the Ishvalan civil war.

The truth?

👉👉(エドワード) 内乱の切っ掛けになった 子供の射殺事件は
(Edward) The child's shooting incident that sparked the civil war,

そこのエンヴィーって奴が 軍将校に化けて やったことだ
it was done by Envy over there, disguised as an army officer.