How to use 勘違い (かんちがい)

Meaning of 勘違い
The Japanese verb "勘違い" (かんちがい, kanchigai) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- Misunderstanding: A mistake in understanding something incorrectly due to wrong information or assumption.
- Example: 彼は時間について勘違いしていた。
- Translation: He was mistaken about the time.
- Misconception: An incorrect idea or belief about something.
- Example: その計画には多くの勘違いがあった。
- Translation: There were many misconceptions in the plan.
- Mistake: A general error in action or judgment.
- Example: 勘違いから誤った結論を導いた。
- Translation: He drew the wrong conclusion from a misunderstanding.
Learn 勘違い from Animes
君たちには 聞かねばならんことがある
I have something I must ask you.
ここの黒幕 グリードという男とは 知り合いかね?
Do you know a man called Greed, who's the mastermind behind all this?
Have you extracted any important information?
in particular that could benefit the military
👉👉勘違いするな 軍のためではない
Don't misunderstand, it's not for the military.
If you had been dealing with them,
Depending on the situation...
軍の中枢に 害なす奴らと手を結んだのか?
Have you allied with those who harm the core of the military?
(Edward) No.
おい 鋼の 生きてるか? お前 なんで オレたちを助けた?
Hey, are you alive, Fullmetal? Why did you save us?
You're more badly hurt than we are, aren't you?
Don't get the wrong idea.
この腹に刺さってるのを 抜いてくれる奴が
If no one pulls this out of my stomach,
いないと… 困るんだよ
I'll be in trouble...
オレたちに その鉄骨を抜けってのか?
You want us to pull this steel out?
一応 敵なんだぞ
But we're technically enemies
ああ 頼む
Yes, please.
(Heinkel Darius) Ugh...
(ジェルソ) しかし なんか妙な感じだよ な 元軍人のオレたちが―
(Jelso) It's strange, isn't it? Us former soldiers—
イシュヴァール人と一緒に 行動するなんて よお
working together with Ishvalans.
(ザンパノ) そうそう オレたちにとっ ちゃ アメストリスは生まれた故郷だし
(Zanpano) Exactly, to us, Amestris is the place where we were born,
we have families here too.
But Scar, who once rebelled against the country...
今こうして この国を救うために 動いてる なんてなあ
Now, he's moving to save this country.
👉👉勘違いするな この国を救うのではない
Don't get me wrong. It's not about saving this country;
it's about changing it.
Tomorrow there will be a solar eclipse.
He plans to use that.
日食? 利用する?
A solar eclipse? Use it?
あいつの野望を阻止するのを 手伝って くれるか?
will you help me stop his ambitions?
👉👉手伝う? 勘違いするな!
Help? Don't get the wrong idea!
てめえなんぞと 手を組まなくたって
Even if I don't join hands with someone like you
オレはあのヒゲ野郎を ぶっとばす!
I will still go and beat up that bearded bastard!
But right now—
手え組んだほうが 確実に勝てそうだから
teaming up seems like the surest way to win.
I'm just listening to you for now!
どうした どうした? ずいぶんぬるい攻撃 じゃねえか!
What's this, what's this? That was quite a lukewarm attack, wasn't it?
👉👉勘違いしないでください あなたは役目を 終えるまで…
Don't get me wrong, until you've fulfilled your role...
(エドワード) 生かしてやるってか? だったら その前に―
(Edward) You mean you'll keep me alive until then? Then before that—
てめえらを ぶっ倒すまでだ!
I'll take you down!
(プライド) 倒す? やってみてください よ 君は小柄だから―
(Pride) Take me down? Go ahead and try, because you're small—
自分より大きい者とばかり 戦ってきた
you've always fought those bigger than you,
つまり 自分より小さい者と 戦った経験が 少ない!
That means you have little experience fighting those smaller than you!