Meaning of 大層
The Japanese verb "大層" (たいそう, taisou) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- very: Used to emphasize the degree or extent of something, often implying it's impressive or significant.
- Example: 彼は大層な努力をした。
- Translation: He made a tremendous effort.
- greatly: Indicates something is done to a great extent or with great effect.
- Example: 大層な歓迎を受けた。
- Translation: I was greatly welcomed.
Learn 大層 from Animes
あなたそっくりで 眼鏡をかけた方がいまし たっけね
There was someone who looked just like you, wearing glasses, wasn't there?
👉👉左わき腹から大量の血を流し 大層な 苦悶の…
He was bleeding profusely from his left side, in such great agony...
まあまあ お2人とも
Now, now, both of you,
👉👉大総統閣下が 大層 心配していましたよ
the Führer is very concerned about you.
That's huge.
👉👉ったく 大層なもの作りやがって
Really, making such an impressive thing.
Aren't you an idiot?
きれいごと並べてさ 人情ごっこかい?
Spouting pretty words, playing at sentimentality?
はあ 虫唾が走る…
Ha, that's disgusting...
👉👉あんたら人間はそんなに ご大層なもんかよ ?
Are humans such grand creatures?
本能のままに やりたいようにやっちまえよ !
Just go ahead and do whatever you want by instinct!
👉👉馬飼いのサリは大層な酒好きだ オレと話が 合う
Sally, the horse feeder, was quite the drinker; we got along well.