How to use 崩す (くずす)

Meaning of 崩す

The Japanese verb "崩す" (くずす, kuzusu) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. to collapse: to fall down or break apart due to structural failure
    • Example: 地震で建物が崩れた。
    • Translation: The building collapsed due to the earthquake.
  2. to crumble: to break into small pieces or fragments
    • Example: クッキーが崩れてしまった。
    • Translation: The cookie crumbled.
  3. scum: Used to describe the lowest or most despicable members of society.
    • Example: 彼は社会の屑だと言われている。
    • Translation: He is said to be the scum of society.
  4. chaff: The husks of grains or other seeds separated from the seed by threshing.
    • Example: 農家は屑を家畜の飼料として使う。
    • Translation: Farmers use chaff as livestock feed.

Learn 崩す from Animes


(アームストロング) すぐ直るのか?
(Armstrong) Will it be fixed soon?

おう ちょっとコツがいるけどね
Yeah, there's a bit of a trick though.

背中の内側にあるこの印が アルの魂と鎧と の―
This mark inside the back is, between Al's soul and the armor,

👉👉仲立ちになってるから これを崩さないよう に…
the mediator, so without disturbing it...


Ms. Sheska,

(Sheska) Is anyone around...

Help me

うん? (アルフォンス)兄さん… 人
Huh? (Alphonse) Brother... someone

Someone are buried here!

(Four people) Aaaaah!

(ブロッシュ)バカーッ (エドワード) しっかりしろ
(Bross) Idiot! (Edward) Pull yourself together

👉👉すみません すみません うっかり本の山を 崩してしまって
Sorry, sorry, I accidentally collapsed the pile of books


貴様 肉体に触れなければ 破壊できないん だろう?
You can't destroy anything unless you touch it, right?

(ザンパノ) この距離から ネチネチと 攻撃させてもらう
(Zampano) I'll keep attacking from this distance.

(Jerso) Woooah!

(Zampano) Hmph.

👉👉(ジェルソ) 状況が悪くなると足元を崩し に かかるクセもリサーチ済みだ
(Jerso) And we've also finished studying your habit of targeting the ground when things get tough.

ズタボロにして キンブリー様に 渡して やるよ
We'll beat him up and hand him over to Kimblee.