How to use 崩れる (くずれる)

Meaning of 崩れる

The Japanese verb "崩れる" (くずれる, kuzureru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. To collapse: Refers to the falling down or breaking apart of structures or systems.
    • Example: 地震で建物が崩れた。
    • Translation: The building collapsed due to the earthquake.
  2. To break down / To crumble: Can describe the disintegration or failure of non-physical things like plans or emotions.
    • Example: 計画が崩れた。
    • Translation: The plan fell apart.
  3. To crumble / To slump: Used in a physical or metaphorical sense, like posture or morale.
    • Example: 彼の姿勢が崩れた。
    • Translation: His posture slumped.

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