How to use 思い切り (おもいきり)

Meaning of 思い切り
The Japanese verb "思い切り" (おもいきり, omoikiri) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- With all one's might / To the fullest: Used to describe doing something with full effort or without holding back. It implies doing something to the extreme or with great enthusiasm.
- Example: 思い切り走る。
- Translation: Run with all your might.
Learn 思い切り from Animes
What's a kid doing in a place like this?
まあいい お前の体 よこしな オレ様が 使ってやる
Well, whatever. Hand over your body, I'll make use of it.
いいだろう この体 くれてやる
You're saying you'll give me this body?
(リン)受け入れると 言ってるんだよ
(Ling) I'm saying I'll accept you.
(グリード) 普通 拒絶しねえか?
(Greed) Usually, wouldn't you resist?
(リン) オレはシンの皇帝になる男だ
(Ling) I am a man who will become the Emperor of Xing.
他人の20や30受け入れるだけの でかい 懐がなくてどうする?
How could I do that without a heart big enough to accept another twenty or thirty people?
👉👉思い切りのいい奴は好きだぜ だが後悔すん なよ
I like a guy with guts, but don't you regret it.
If I return empty-handed,
腕ぶったぎってまで 尽くしてくれた臣下に
My vassal who've served me to the point of losing her arm for me
how could I face her