How to use 惜しい (おしい)

Meaning of 惜しい

The Japanese verb "惜しい" (おしい, oshii) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Close but not quite / Almost: Used when something is very close to being correct or successful but falls just short.
    • Example: あと一歩で勝てたのに、おしい!
    • Translation: It was so close, we almost won!
  2. Regrettable / Pity: Expresses a sense of regret or disappointment over what could have been.
    • Example: その才能が埋もれるのはおしい。
    • Translation: It's a pity for that talent to go to waste.

Learn 惜しい from Full Metal Alchemist Anime