How to use 憧れる (あこがれる)
Meaning of 憧れる
The Japanese verb "憧れる" (あこがれる, akogareru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- to long for: Feeling a strong desire or yearning for something often unattainable or distant.
- Example: 彼は昔から海外で働くことに憧れていた。
- Translation: He had always longed to work abroad.
- to admire: Feeling admiration for someone often due to their qualities or achievements.
- Example: 若いアーティストは彼の才能に憧れる。
- Translation: Young artists admire his talent.
- to idolize: Admiring someone immensely, often placing them on a pedestal.
- Example: 彼女はその歌手を憧れるほど尊敬している。
- Translation: She idolizes the singer to the point of reverence.
Learn 憧れる from Animes
👉👉この子ずーっと エドワードさんに憧れてて
This child has always admired Mr. Edward.
(アルフォンス) セリム君は錬金術が好き なの?
(Alphonse) Selim, do you like alchemy?
はい ボクも錬金術を習って
Yes, I'm also learning alchemy
エドワードさんみたいな 国家錬金術師に なるのが夢です
and dream of becoming a State Alchemist like Mr. Edward.
Admiring me,
そして お父さんの 役に立ちたいんです!
and wanting to be useful to your father!