How to use 懸命 (けんめい)
Meaning of 懸命
The Japanese verb "懸命" (けんめい, kenmei) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- with all one's might: This meaning refers to putting forth maximum effort or energy into something, often to the point of exhaustion.
- Example: 彼は懸命に試験勉強をした。
- Translation: He studied for the exam with all his might.
Learn 懸命 from Animes
でも お2人のおかげで ダメ人間の私でも
But thanks to you two, I feel like even I, a failure, can be useful.
人の役に立てるんだって 思えました
I think I can be helpful to others.
Thank you very much.
(アルフォンス) ダメ人間じゃないよ
(Alphonse) You're not a failure.
👉👉(アルフォンス) 何かに一生懸命になれる ってことは それ自体が才能だと思う し
(Alphonse) Being passionate about something is a talent in itself,
and you have an amazing memory.
You should be confident.
(ブラッドレイ夫人) クラスで1番になっ たんですって あなたのことを作文に 書いて
(Mrs. Bradley) He got first in class, and he wrote about you in his essay.
(セリム・ブラッドレイ) あの 読んでも いいですか?
(Selim Bradley) Can I read it?
That's bad manners right now.
まあいいじゃないか 読んで聞かせておくれ
It's fine, go ahead and read it to us.
はい! ボクの父は アメストリス国の大 総統です
Here we go! My father is the Führer of Amestris.
👉👉この国のために 一生懸命 働いています
He works hard for this country.