How to use 戦争 (せんそう)

Meaning of 戦争

The Japanese verb "戦争" (せんそう, sensou) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. war: A state of armed conflict between different countries or different groups within a country.
    • Example: 第二次世界大戦は1939年に始まった。
    • Translation: World War II began in 1939.
  2. conflict: A serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one.
    • Example: その地域で長年にわたる戦争が続いている。
    • Translation: There has been a prolonged conflict in the region.

Learn 戦争 from Animes


うーん 丸一日 寝ちゃった
Hmm, I slept for a whole day.

👉👉(ウィンリィ) ホントにもう あいつが 来るといっつも大戦争…
(Winry) Really, every time he comes it's always a big war...


Whether is it with Ishval,

👉👉戦争ばっかりだねえ この国は
It's just one war after another in this country.

(ラスト)何度繰り返しても学ぶことを知ら ない
(Lust) No matter how many times it repeats, humans never learn.

Humans are foolish and sad creatures.


But even if the Colonel becomes the top military official,

この国が軍事国家であることには 変 わりないじゃないか!
this country will still be a military state, won't it?

そうね… 今はほぼ軍の かいらいとなって いる議会を―
Yes, for now the parliament, which has become almost a puppet of the military—

あるべき型に戻し 民主制に移行する
must be restored to its intended form and transition to a democracy.

軍事国家時代のうみを すべて絞り出さない と
We need to completely wring out the remnants of the military state era

or this country won't renew itself.


(リザ) たとえば イシュヴァール殲滅 戦の―
(Riza) For instance, the extermination campaign in Ishval—

👉👉戦争犯罪人を 裁くことになるかもしれない
might lead to the prosecution of war criminals.

(Edward) Ha!

そう 乱世の英雄は―
Indeed, the heroes of turbulent times—

平和の世においては ただの大量殺りく者よ
in an era of peace are just mass murderers.

(エドワード) 大佐はそれを承知で 上を 目指してんのか?
(Edward) Is the Colonel aiming for the top knowing this?

Isn't that just a path to self-destruction?


一番古いのは 1558年
The oldest one dates back to 1558.

アメストリス建国後 すぐだな
It was right after the founding of Amestris.

宣戦布告なしに 当時 隣国だった リヴィエアに―
Without a declaration of war, they attacked Riviere—

👉👉戦争をふっかけ… あっ ちょっと待て!
which was a neighboring country at the time... wait!

This is...

すべての事件に 軍が関係している!
The military is involved in all these incidents!


貴様のゲスな趣味に 付き合っているヒマは ない
I don't have time to indulge in your vile hobbies.


ふん じゃあ聞くけどさ
Hmph, but let me ask you something.

Don't you humans

人の不幸とか愚か者が踊るのを 見てるのが 大好きなんじゃない?
Also love watching the misfortune of others and fools dancing?

👉👉だからしょっちゅう 戦争してるんじゃない の?
Isn't that why you are always waging wars?


確かに 愚か者が踊り狂って いるのを見る のは愉快だ
Indeed, it is amusing to watch fools dance wildly.
