How to use 捜す (さがす)

Meaning of 捜す

The Japanese verb "捜す" (さがす, sagasu) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. To search / To look for: The act of trying to find something that is missing or needed.
    • Example: 鍵を捜している。
    • Translation: I'm looking for my keys.
  2. Hunt or Seek: Can be used in contexts like hunting for a job or seeking something abstract like an opportunity.
    • Example: 新しい仕事を捜している。
    • Translation: I am seeking a new job.

Learn 捜す from Animes


👉👉道路を封鎖し あらゆる場所を捜せ
Block the roads and search everywhere.

見つけ次第 射殺しても構わん
If found, you may shoot to kill.

This is an order from the President.


(バリー) よう さっきから何やってんだ
(Barry) What have you been doing since earlier?

It's a signal flare.

(Barry) Signal flare?

大体 見ず知らずの人間を 連れてくる なんて何考えてんだ
What were you thinking, bringing in an unknown person?

👉👉(フー) 若 捜しましたぞ
(Fu) Young one, I've found you.


(ヨキ) 旦那 憲兵隊が近くまで 来て いる 逃げたほうが
(Yoki) Master, the Military Police are close. We should flee.

(Military Police) He's wounded

まだそんな遠くには 逃げてはいないはずだ
He shouldn't have gotten far yet.

👉👉しらみ潰しに捜せ (憲兵たち)はっ
Search every inch. (Military Police) Yes, sir!

(ヨキ)旦那 早く早く
(Yoki) Master, hurry, hurry!


トホホホホ あっ 旦那
Tohohoho, ah, master.

(傷の男) 日の出まで まだ時間がある
(Scar) There's still time before sunrise.

The military police should be fewer now.

(ヨキ)ええっ (メイ)ハッ…
(Yoki) Eh? (Mei) Hah...

Are you going to help us search?

うっ いい人ですね
Uh, you're a good person.

あいつの一族は 先の内乱で滅びてしまった んだ
His clan was wiped out in the last civil war.

だから お前んとこの 弱小一族の存亡って のに
So, about the survival of your minor clan,

思うところ あるんじゃねえの?
don't you have some thoughts on that?


👉👉(傷の男) どうした 捜さんのか?
(Scar) What's wrong, aren't you going to search?

はい 行きます!
Yes, let's go!


👉👉ちっ 捜すぞ
Tch, let's search.

(Alphonse) Even with no leads, we'll search Central.


(エドワード) これ こういうネコ
(Edward) This, this kind of cat.

👉👉こいつを連れた小娘を 捜してるんだ
I'm looking for the little girl who has this cat.

(アルフォンス) すみません あっちの エイリアンは無視してください
(Alphonse) Excuse me, please ignore that alien over there.


(Narration) To uncover the secrets of alchemy,

👉👉シンの国の少女メイを捜す エドとアルは―
Ed and Al, who are searching for Mei, a girl from Xing—

彼女が北へ向かったとの 情報を手に入れる
obtained information that she has headed north.


👉👉(オリヴィエ) なるほど それでこの白黒 ネコを 連れた娘を捜しているのか
(Olivier) I see, so that's why you're looking for the girl with this black and white cat.

(2人)うん うん
(Both) Yes, yes.

You understand well.

Then will you help us...

(Olivier) You guys!

It's clear you act recklessly, without thinking things through,

うかつな行動で騒ぎを広げる 粗こつ者で あることは分かった
causing trouble with your careless actions, you roughnecks.

I don't want people like you in my fort.

まったく 中央の奴らはなぜ こんなのを 野放しにしておくのか
Really, why does Central allow such people to roam free?

Get out now!

…と 言いたいところだが 錬丹術には興味 がある
I would like to say that, but I am interested in alkahestry.

貴様らその錬丹術の娘とは 知り合いなのだ な?
You guys know the girl who uses that alkahestry, right?

(アルフォンス)ええ まあ
(Alphonse) Yes, well...

この国にはない技術だ 欲しい
It's a technique not found in this country; I want it.

One can never have too many skills.

特に ドラクマという 大国と接している この地ではな
Especially in this region adjacent to a great country like Drachma.

使い方によっては 錬丹術もよい武器になり そうだ
Depending on how it's used, alkahestry could become a good weapon.

(アルフォンス) ちょっと待ってください !
(Alphonse) Wait a moment, please!

錬丹術は 医学に特化した技術ですよ
Alkahestry is a technique specialized in medicine!

Using it for...

Shut up!

国の内側でキャンキャン ほえるだけの犬め が
You barking dogs on the inside of the country,

Your peaceful lives exist

国境を守る者 あってこそだということを 忘れるな
because of those guarding the border. Don't forget that!

I draw the northern borderline.

その力になるなら どんな技術でも頂く
If it will be of use, I'll take any technique.

👉👉錬丹術の娘捜しは我々に任せろ 貴様らは 要塞を出るな
Leave the search for the alkahestry girl to us, you stay in the fortress.


(マイルズ) 近くの山道で傷の男らしき男 が 目撃された
(Miles) A man resembling Scar was spotted on a nearby mountain road.

If he's headed anywhere, it would be here.

(ゾルフ・J・キンブリー) 廃坑ですか
(Zolf J. Kimblee) A deserted mine?

(マイルズ) そうだ ここバズクールは―
(Miles) Yes, this place, Baschool,

is now a ghost town.

It's the perfect place to hide.

It's going to be troublesome.

That's why we'll split up to search.


(Alphonse) Both Scar and that girl,

where could they be...?

こりゃ向こうから 出て来てくれねえと
If they don't come out,

searching for them will be really...

(Mei Chang) Alphonse-sama?


Winry's not here?

まったく 何をやっているのですか
Seriously, what is she doing?

(Liam) I'm sorry...

(Miles) I'll look for her.

チャーリー隊から 2人ついてこい
Two from Team Charlie, follow me.

(Liam) Yes.


(グラトニー) 鋼の錬金術師のにおい グリードのにおい
(Gluttony) Smell of the Fullmetal Alchemist, smell of Greed.

That voice is Gluttony!

Is it him?

なるほどグラトニーの 嗅覚を使って
So, he used Gluttony's sense of smell

to pinpoint us, huh?

Sniff sniff.

あと知らない奴のにおいは 食べていいよね
The smell of someone I don't know, can I eat that?

ご使命だ ダリウス あいつも人造人間だぜ
It's your mission, Darius, he's also a Homunculus.

あんなバケモンクラスと どうやって
How are we supposed to deal with a monster like that?

(グリード) あいつは においを頼りに 動いているだけだ
(Greed) He's just moving based on smell.

今なら五分五分で 戦えるんじゃないのか?
Wouldn't we have a 50-50 chance to fight him now?

野生の勘が やめとけって言ってんだけどな
But my instincts are warning me to back off.